My faith was confirmed—all glory to the Highest.
If you haven't seen my recent blog post, take a few minutes to read it when you have the time.
It's a significant portion of my testimony and the key to my story.
While new at writing, I am praising the Lord that He kept asking me to obey His call.
It is such a rich channel to glorify Him and for my healing.
As it says in Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
For the first time, I consciously moved to lean into Jesus and leap forward into the present and unplanned future. There I was, the company that finally relieved me on January 25th after numerous discussions with the human resources department. The details were honestly heartbreaking to me. Once again, in retrospect, the perseverance in the week after I walked out of a job of nearly ten years was just fluff. I had a noble vantage point on why and how things played out the way they did.
God lovingly pressed me to let go of what was. It was time for me to move forward with His plans.
I was obedient and let it all go. I cannot explain how the emotions of obeying His requests transcend your senses when you do so. My mind, heart, and soul filled with a joy I did not know existed.
The mindset and clarity of everything within me are new every day and are entirely magnificent. I wish to write the transparency and posture of my heart with the purest of intentions. I love Jesus with all that He is. When I surrendered, He showed me my best friend in Him, the Sovereign Father's compassion, Who formed me in His image, and the comfort and protection of the Holy Spirit covered me.
Jesus is in control. It brings me His peace to know this. I have to rise in saying it is belief in the peace He offers you—one of the countless blessings he bestows you and me.
In February, the Lord had my next job ready for me. I started on the 27th, to be exact.
To the tiniest detail, it had been planned by the Lord. I think of Psalms 121 when I remember this. A sweet friend contacted me from the company I left that no longer worked there. We had a mutual friend with a job opening she told me about, whom I had also worked with. Honestly, one interview, and she offered me the job. The details were seamlessly accomplished without a hitch and almost threw me. The entire package I needed was provided for me, and more!
How does this happen to a fragile yet wounded person trying to climb out of a deep valley?
God. It is always God.

The job was pure relief. I had some learning for completely different duties, but I was so grateful, and the gratitude that I know now is only a piece of the missing portions of me before I surrendered. This job taught me so much about the next job God would need to lead me to. The wonderful people there were a group that the Lord had just for me. One of my best friends now is someone who crossed my path then. Unfortunately, that job was a short part of my plan. Covid-19 and the pandemic came, and I was laid off from this company in June 2020.
Meanwhile, well before the lay-off, and enjoying a sweet group of coworkers. My season's were abundant, with seeds planted in many portions of my life. I started reading more, along with phenomenal bible studies, to fill my heart and soul with like-minded sisters in Christ and reading and studying the Bible. I started going to church, which was a precious time for my family. We did not go to church much at all for years and years. The Lord provided me with a beautiful group of women here. I had never had friends like these in all my years. One of my dear friends had it in her heart to create a bible study. She did, and I have been blessed enormously.
Watching your life as it is happening can be graciously reforming when you are focused on the heart of God. That is what He does, right? Let me say that when you sit back and curiously observe what happens to your life each moment, you are enlightened by His movement and ability. The love and the care you know are there will make you hungrier and thirstier to know Him better. The relationship is what it is all about.
My life, basically up to that point of surrender, had moments of trauma (a new word in my vocabulary), whether it was self-trauma or trauma from experiences, suffering, depression, and anxiety, in a transparent way that consumes how my body reacts to daily life. Suppose it is history and relationships requiring healing and growth.
I take one day at a time with Jesus at the forefront.
He and His whispers that I will have a life of joy and contentment if I come to sit at His table. I am welcome with open arms. My invitation was everything that day I turned to face Him. In my simple mind, truthfully, I imagined a gift with a massive red bow...not long after, I knew the Lion of Judah was telling me to come home. Jesus, right where I am and holding my hand every day. Jesus, exactly where I am, being with me through all my suffering and lowly parts of living in this fallen world, through the times I do not get the answer I want because He has better. He whispers, please wait until I have everything I know is best for you and your family. Remember what you have read in my Word and how the Spirit leads you with what the Father and I know is BEST for you—waiting for His best circumstances; well, I am in! I have yet to be disappointed.
It does not matter how many lies I may hear (or listen to) from the enemy when I am weak or in my thoughts because I am weary and burdened by everything and sometimes nothing. The world OFFERS nothing but the creation He so lovingly provided for us. Remember, it was Eden first, and Eden it will be again. I will happily take God and the beauty over all the fear, selfishness, heartbreak, envy, greed, and all wicked parts of the world. I will call upon the Name of Jesus to heal me from the traumatic experiences that can overtake me, and I will overcome them because that is His plan for me. He is forever my strength. He does not fail me.
I am a child of God, Christ is in me, and it does not matter what I did in the past or what the past did to me. I can live righteously because of Jesus—the ransom He took for you and me.
At 47, I thought I knew, but I fully acknowledge I did not comprehend what Jesus did for you and me until His remarkable love story was brought to life in my heart and soul.
Jesus wants us to live out our purpose in joy, reverence, and with all we have. He takes care of the rest. I count on it.
His way was there for me before my surrender, during the point of, and after--countless more. He is my way, my truth, and my life.
I depend on His way.
You and I are soaring at God's right hand. No matter what happens, He has us covered. No harm will befall those who love our One True God.
A unique story is woven into the fabric of each individual.
My daughters, husband, and family are with me. I know that God is writing my story and theirs for them. I want to live, acknowledging I have a purpose within this beautifully transformative and gratifying life.
God is my purpose, my brothers and sisters in Christ are my purposes, and everyone the Lord knows will need me to shine His love and light.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -Eph.2:10
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” -John 14:6
For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them. I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. -John 18:8-11
Thank you for reading more of my story and what God has laid on my heart to share.
In His Love,